In an organization, implementing an integrated Environment, Quality, Occupational Health and Safety Management System is the most effective way of increasing performance and optimizing resources allocated to the management of these functions. A quality integrated management system requires effective mechanisms and systematic approaches such as a humanistic occupational health and safety management system, and an environment-friendly environmental management system. Adhering to these systems and aforesaid integrated management system policies and the importance for continuous improvement of quality, occupational health / safety and environmental performance have been recognized all over the world recently.
In TPIC, our quality management systems, applied since 2012, were integrated in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 in 2019 thereby ensuring the implementation of an Integrated Management System in a manner to cover all fields of activity.
As a result of the audits carried out by TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) at TPIC headquarters and sites, certificates for all three standards were obtained. As an energy company sensitive to people and the environment, TPIC decided in 2012 to integrate management systems into its activities and adopt sustainable development as a policy target, and decided to establish a management system within this context. A quality management system was designed to include proactive monitoring, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle and continuous improvement in the activities implemented until 2013. Upon one year’s studies, the system was completed in April 2013 and was audited by TSE and TPIC became the first and only company in Turkey to receive a certificate in this context. Occupational Health and Safety has gained great importance in Turkey, especially with the Occupational Health and Safety Law, which came into force in June 2012, and the regulations and other legislation on Occupational health and safety published in the following years. In this context, in addition to the quality management system certificate, received in 2013, TPIC has also redesigned its Occupational Health and Safety activities within the framework of the OHSAS 18001 standard. These studies were finalized as of the end of 2015 and related certificate was obtained from the Turkish Standards Institution.
TPIC has adopted an environment- friendly working principle especially in oil and gas drilling activities, core drilling, land seismic activities and marine seismic research activities. The system, which was implemented in terms of compatibility with other environmental activities throughout the entire life cycle of the activities carried out at TPIC, has been reviewed. The existing system was designed in accordance with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard and TPIC was entitled to receive an environmental management system certificate in 2018.
The need to update the systems implemented in TPIC has arisen to ensure the continuity of all three systems implemented, especially with the OHSAS 18001 standard being updated as ISO 45001 as well as other management system standards being revised by adopting a high level structure. For this reason, as of the end of 2018, the studies on integrated management system were started with the cooperation of the Occupational Health and Safety Unit, the Environmental Unit, and other organizational units, especially the Quality Unit. As a result of the studies, the system was successfully integrated. Successful implementation of the integrated management system at TPIC was confirmed with the audits conducted by Turkish Standards Institution as of the end of 2019 and thus TPIC was awarded ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certificates.