Oil and Jeothermal Drilling Services, Well Competion Services, Core Drilling Services, Exploration Services-Land Seismic Activities, Seismic Vessel Explorations, Oil and Petroleum Products Trading.
To operate in all value chain of the oil industry
Turkey, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Syria, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, TRNC, Libya, Bangladesh.
Mr. Y. Selçuk ARIK
At home and abroad, we operate in wide scope of activities such as oil and gas trading, well completion, field development, oil production, oilfield surface facilities, transportation, refinery, crude oil and petroleum products trading, oil distribution.
- TPIC was established with the Decree of Council of Ministers as affiliated to TPAO.
- First exploration and production projects were performed in Australia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Egypt until 1996.
- Exploration activities in West Qarun (Egypt) resulted in a discovery.
- Drilling and workover service provided in Kazakhstan under TEPCO Project was the first petroleum field service TPIC conducted abroad. 2 million tons of diesel oil was traded with Iraq.
- Within the scope of the Project “Crude Oil in Exchange for Food”, until 2003, 5.4 million tons of crude oil was sold from Iraq to TUPRAS.
- 20 wells were drillled in Khurmala Field (Iraq).
- 1.5 million tons of diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene and LPG was sold to SOMO (Iraq) until 2007. Well completion service was provided for KazakhOil Aktobe (Kazakhstan) for more than 130 wells.
- Drilling operations were started in Georgia which were followed by drilling projects completed in Syria and Turkmenistan.
- Geothermal activities were initiated.
- Drilling and well completion services were started in domestic licenses of TPAO.
- The subsidiary TPPD (Turkish Petroleum Distrtibution Corporation ) was founded
- 5 well drilling operations were performed for the company named Kazakh Turk Munay (KTM) of Kazakhstan.
- Exploration-production projects were started in Gonzalez and Maria Conchita Blocks of Colombia.
- 572.000 tons of import diesel oil needed by the subsidiary TPPD so far was met from international markets. Fuel shipment to Teknecik Power Plant of KIB-TEK ( TRNC Electricity Authority ) was started.
- In Rumaila Oil field of Iraq, a turn-key drilling contract was signed with SOC (South Oil Company /Iraq) for 45 wells and the contract was revised in 2012.
- 30.000 tons of diesel oil was shipped to Libya during the civil war.
- TEC (Turkish Energy Company) was founded as a subsidiary.
- TPIC, was affiliated to BOTAS Petroleum Pipeline Company.
- TPIC’in sermayesi, 2013 yılında 500 milyon USD iken 1.650 milyon USD’ ye yükselmiştir
- Drilling service contract was signed between General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) and TPIC. A protocol was signed between Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) and TPIC concerning assignment of services and working.
- A contract for Workover and Well Completion Services was signed between Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) and TPIC. TPIC has been providing Land Seismic Data Acquisition Service, which is an important service for petroleum exploration, as of 01.01.2018 with 3 teams, one with a mobile drill and two with Vibro. We started seismic operations in seas with our vessel Barbaros Hayreddin Pasa on 07.02.2018
- A trading amounting to 650 million TL was realized for Crude Oil, Petroleum Coke, Diesel Oil, Bitumen and Marine Fuels. A depth of 209.000 meters was reached in oil drilling with 21 rigs while a depth of 605.000 meters was reached with 109 machines in mineral drilling. 11.500 km² of offshore, 2B 600 km and 3B 1335 km² of land seismic explorations were realized.
- A depth of 158.684 meters was reached in oil drilling with 15 rigs while a depth of 350,186 meters was reached with 35 machines in mineral drilling. 7.418 km² of offshore, 2B 1.485 km and 3B 1.588 km² of land seismic explorations were made.
- Turkish Petroleum International Company (TPIC) Amends the Natural Gas Market Law No. 4646, dated 18.04.001, with the Electricity Market Law No. 7257, dated 25.11.2020, which entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette dated 02.12.2020 and numbered 31322 Pursuant to the provisions of the Additional Article 1 added with the Article 9 of the Law on the Making of it, all of its rights and debts have been transferred to Turkish Petroleum International Corporation (TPIC) by being announced in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette dated 17.03.2021 and numbered 10289.